“Embracing Our Differences” Art Exhibition
The mission of Embracing Our Differences is to use art as a catalyst for creating awareness and promoting, throughout our community, the value of diversity, the benefits of inclusion and the significance of the active rejection of hatred and prejudice. Embracing Our Differences 2012, the 9th annual outdoor art exhibit, will contain 39 billboard-sized original works of art measuring 16 feet wide by 12.5 feet high (4.8768 m wide by 3.8100 m high). Each selection is accompanied by an inspirational quote.
The exhibit will be displayed during April & May, 2012 at Island Park along Sarasota, Florida’s beautiful bay front.
Theme: "Embracing Our Differences"
- Best In Show (Adult): A single $1,000 cash award
- Best In Show (Student): A $1,000 cash award. Students high school-age and below will be judged in this category. This prize money will be awarded directly to the student’s school.
- People’s Choice: A $1,000 cash award will be presented at the end of the exhibit to the submission that receives the most votes by visitors to the exhibit who complete our survey form
Selections will be based on artistic excellence in reflection of the theme. You can enter more than one image. There is no online submission.
Winning selections will be announced online at embracingourdifferences.org by mid-March, 2012.
Submit a high-resolution digital file on a CD. Your digital file MUST measure exactly 12.8” (325.12 mm) wide by 8.8” (223.52 mm) high, and it MUST be saved at 300 dpi. You MUST include a color print of your artwork (an ink jet proof is sufficient), with your name and artwork title clearly printed on the back. Please reduce the image to fit on 8.5” x 11” (or A4) paper for this print proof. You MUST include a separate sheet of paper with your “Artist’s Statement” telling us, briefly, about your artwork, your creative process, or what the theme means to you. It is very important to include your name and the title of your artwork on
this additional sheet. Mail CD, signed form, statement & color print to: Embracing Our Differences. P.O. Box 2559, Sarasota, FL 34230-2559 U.S.A
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.embracingourdifferences.org/exhibit.html