
“Visions of Peace” Photography Contest

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The objective of the photographic contest is to analyze, reflect and share a concrete idea of Peace discovering a way to achivie it in the real world.
We want to revive the awareness of “Peace" as common good, a need that must comes true in the daily practice of human being and that is not only intended as an ideal and abstract concept.

Theme: Peace

Documentary and abstract photos are accepted. Anyway all kind of photos that can magnify the essence of peace in all of its conception and expression.


  • The winner will receive:
    • a bonus of 400,00 euros to partecipate to workshops and courses organized by “42mm” association for a value amount;
    • a camera Nikon Coolpix L23;
    • an award plaque with the victory quote and the contribute that his photo gives to the SBS per il Sociale Onlus action.
  • the selected photos of the final phase will be printed and exposed at the “42mm” association gallery for a period of one week starting November 12th

You may submit up to 3 images. Send your photos to:  [email protected]

Judgement criteria:

  • creativity
  • artistic
  • photographical qualities

Image requirements: JPG format, image size minimum 1000 px on the longest side.


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