Portrait Photo Exhibition
Portraiture has always fascinated photographers. While many commercial photographers earned their living recording appearances, some turned their lenses on themselves and others with surprising results. Today portraiture – of self and or of others – yields some of the most probing images in contemporary photography. Photographers explore humor, discomfort, intimacy, and the uncanny to photograph faces, and sometimes even souls.
Theme: "Seeing Myself, Seeing Others: The Art of the Portrait"
- Forty images will be selected for exhibition at PhotoPlace Gallery from Sept 13th through Oct 7th, 2011.
- Thirty-five photographs will be chosen for the gallery’s “On-Line Annex.”
- All selected work will be included in a full-color exhibition catalogue available for purchase.
Submit digital images by email or on a CD. Image requirements: JPG format, 72 dpi, 1024 pixels on the longest side, saved for best display as sRGB files.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.vtphotoworkplace.com/id117.html