The Foto8 Summershow Photography Competition
Foto8 specialises in documentary photography. This award is aimed at emerging and established contemporary photographers allowing them to participate in the creation of a new aesthetic. An aesthetic that is becoming less formal and harder to define as photographers explore new approaches to their subjects and themes allowing their work to stand out.
There is no set theme.
Submit your recent work, of any subject, style or genre, which engages or challenges the viewer, either to convey stories, raise questions or provoke feeling.
- 150 shortlisted images will constitute the Summershow Exhibition at HOST Gallery (8 July – 12 August).
- £2,000 prize for the winner of the "Best In Show".
- "People’s Choice" Award
You may enter one submission of up to three images as individual works or as a sequence. Image requirements: jpeg format, sized up to 1280x1024px at 72dpi resolution.