2011 PDN Great Outdoors Photo Contest
Divisions: Amateur and professional
- Parks and safaris
- Plants, animals, insects and gardens
- Beaches, islands and underwater
- Scenes of the natural world
- Outdoor sports and activities
- One Grand Winner: $500 ADORAMA gift certificate and $250 certificate for Canson Infinity Media
- 4 First Place winnders each: $100 ADORAMA gift certificate and $100 certificate for Canson Infinity Media
- All winners will receive digital cameras
- All professional First Place winners get a Photoservice Portfolio ($860 value)
- Winning images will be featured in PDN September 2011 issue
Judging criteria: creativity, sense of place and capturing the moment.
Judging will take place in late May and winners will be contacted in the end of June.
Images requirements: JPEG or TIFF at 72 to 300 dpi, at least 1,000 pixels on their long dimension, using color profiles: sRGB, Adobe-1998, or not color-managed. Image size should be under 2 Mb. One entry consists of one image.
Official website: