
Petsavers Photography Competition 2011

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You can send in any picture of your pet you like! The judges will be looking for qualities like humour and character in the photos, as well as photographic skill.


  • ‘Adult’ – 16 years of age and over
  • ‘Junior’ – under 16


  • 1st prize in each category is £200 in photography vouchers
  • 2nd prize is £100 in photography vouchers
  • 3rd prize is £50 in photography vouchers

You may use the following digital adjustments to optimise digital images: levels, curves, brightness, contrast, shadow and highlight levels, saturation, sharpening and noise reduction, and selected burning or shading. Cropping is allowed. Any other techniques or filters, including combinations of images for any reason, are not acceptable. Only one entry per individual is allowed. Images must be sufficiently high resolution to be printed, without loss of quality, to A3 exhibition standard – as a guideline, your camera will need to be 5MP or higher.

Acceptable images: scanned colour or black & white prints and digital photographs. No allowances will be made for poor-quality scanning. Save images as TIFF, JPEG or GIF at the highest possible quality setting (e.g. 12 in Photoshop).

E-mail your photographs to [email protected]

Official website:

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