The 2010 Competition “Images of Research”
Enter photographs that show the fascination of research and science by making it a visual experience. At the same time, the images should also present people whose day-to-day research generates innovations that will improve the quality of life.
- Fascination of Research
- Faces of Research
- Each category will be awarded prize money of EUR 10,000. The split-up and distribution of the prize money lies in the discretion of the jury.
- The photo with the greatest number of audience votes will receive the audience prize.
It is the objective of the competition to award a prize to those photos that are particularly succinct or impressive in representing the research effort or results.
Each participant can submit up to six photographs on a data storage medium (CD-ROM/DVD) sent by regular mail to the following address:
"Bilder der Forschung"
(Images of Research)
Postfach 08 05 30
10005 Berlin
The following technical prerequisites must be met: Images should have the minimum size of DIN A4 at 300 and 72 dpi. Please submit only TIFF and JPEG formats. In addition, entrants must generate a brief text (no more than 10 lines @ 60 characters) featuring a description and explanation of their photograph(s), which must be submitted together with the picture(s).
Official website: