
Call for Entries: Photos for the Gulf

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Submit photographs of the Gulf Coast as you have composed it through your lens and through your words to be included in a photo book.

Theme: Photos for the Gulf


  • Approximately 60 images will be selected for the photo book.
  • Prizes will be awarded for the 1st, 100th, and 500th photographers to submit their photograph. The prize will be a free copy of the photo book.

You can enter up to 3 photographs per photographer.

  • JPG files only, resolution 72ppi, and 800px at it’s longest side (if your photograph is accepted, will will request a larger image)
  • Name file in this manner: “yourlastname-yourfirstname.jpg”
  • Compose a 100-150 word reflection about your image. Why did you choose this image for the collection?  How is this image indicative of the “Gulf” of your past or present?
  • Submit images and narratives to the Submissions Page

Official web site:

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