C4FAP Call for Entry “Consumption”
Theme: Consumption is a multifaceted term.
While it can signify the influence of advertising and marketing on our pervasive consumer culture, the word also speaks to profound human instincts. To be consumed by something-be it illness, emotions, or beliefs-is to oftentimes confront one’s realities. What, why, when, and how we consume determines the ramifications of the choices we make. Additionally, consumption can simply suggest a transformation. The Center is looking for images that visually depict Consumption and what it means to you.
- liveBooks Website Award: Valued at $399 each, two artists will receive a 1 year subscription for a website from www.livebooks.com
- Juror’s Selection Award: $300 and a Blurb book award from www.Blurb.com
- Director’s Selection Award: $200 and a Blurb book award from www.Blurb.com
- Honorable Mention Award: $100
- All exhibitors are included in the Center’s online gallery
There is no limit to the number of images that may be submitted.
Preparing Images to Upload Online: Entries are submitted via the Center’s on-line system. Log in to, Account Login, on the homepage to begin the process.
Please follow these requirements when preparing your images for submission:
• Your images are viewed as RGB images using standard Adobe RGB 98 or SRGB profile. NOTE: CMYK files will not upload.
• The largest image dimension (width or height) should be 1280 pixels with the other dimension proportional.
• Save your images with a resolution 72 ppi, any layers flattened, 8 bit JPEG files (16 bit files will not upload.)
• Use JPG compression quality of 8. This compression level will not affect the quality of images viewed on a monitor.
• The image title can not be greater than 40 characters. (Image title is not the image file name)
• Image file names can not include any of the following characters or have more than 25 characters. Please do not include #,$,&, periods or other similar characters as part of the file name.
• There can only be a single period – just prior to the file format extension: filename.jpg
Official web site: http://www.c4fap.org/cfe/2010Consumption/index.asp