The Robert Cornelius Portrait Award
Theme: Portrait in its broader sense
- Portrait
- People
- Figure and Nude
- Documentary, Editorial and Current Affairs
- Alternative processes
- Digital Manipulation
- Performing Arts
- Self Portrait
- The Best of Show photographer – cash prize of US$ 1,000.
- The winners in each category – cash prize of US$ 300.
- Selected awarded images will be featured in The Photo Review.
- All awardees’ images will be posted in WonderPick, the online gallery of WPGA, where their works could be sold in large additions.
- 50 selected images will be part of an itinerant exhibition during 2011 starting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and then in Europe and US.
- Selected images will be published in the 2011 Robert Cornelius Portrait Award Calendar.
Any image can be submitted to one or more categories. There is no limit in the quantity of images to be submitted and in the date the images were taken. WPGA invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements are welcome to The Robert Cornelius Award.
Digital image files must meet the following specifications: 8 bit JPEG files (CMYK and 16 bits files will not be uploaded), the largest dimension should be 1280 pixels (width or height), resolution of 72 ppi, JPG compression quality of 7. Layers must be flattened. Images will be viewed by the jurors as RGB images; therefore Adobe RGB 98 or SRGB profiles should be used. Image title may not exceed 40 characters. Please note that image title is the name of the artwork, not the file name. If it as Portolio, start the image titles with Porfolio 1 (Portfolio 2, Porfolio 3, etc, if you’re submitting more than one porfolio) and the the name (i.e. Porfolio 1 name of image). Files may contain a maximum of 25 characters, not counting .jpg. The file name may not include characters such as #, $, &, periods or other similar characters as part of the file. There will be one period in the file name, just prior to the file extension (i.e. filename.jpg).
Official web site: