
The Nadar Award for Students

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student photography award contest

WPGA invites all photography and fine art students working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements are welcome to The Nadar Award.


  • Portrait, People and Figure.
  • Documentary, Editorial and Current Affairs
  • Digital enhanced and alternative processes
  • Fine Art
  • Citiscapes and Architecture
  • Landscape and Nature

The Nadar Award will be given to the best of show student or recent graduate. Honorable mentions will be awarded by the winners in each category.


The winner will earn a free attendance to one of the Santa Fe Photography Workshops, including round trip, lodging and tuition. The winner and Reid Callanan will choose together the workshop which best fits for the student.

  • The winner will also receive a cash prize of 1,000 US$.
  • Second Prize Winners will receive a cash prize of 600 US$
  • Third Prize a cash prize of $ 400.
  • The winners in each category will receive cash prizes 300 US$ each.

Selected images will be exposed during 2010 in US and Europe.


Any image can be submitted to one or more categories. There is no limit in the quantity of images to be submitted and in the date the images were taken.

All Awardees will have to send proof of his student or recent graduate condition, by email at [email protected], as a mandatory condition before getting the Award.

It is understood that a recent graduate is somebody who has graduated no later than end of November 2008.

Official web site:


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