The Visual Culture Awards 2010
Theme: ‘Cultural Peace.’
We would like to see a set of images that give Light to your culture or a culture you have endevoured to explore.
Each photographer will submit 10-30 images to fill the gallery space. There will be a gold placement for the solo exhibition at the Center, a silver and bronze placement of the photographer’s entire gallery submission in the online gallery with selects from different submissions of single images as awards of excellence.
This year, a description of your exhibition will be needed: you might want to include the process, the impact, or the story. A title would also be recognized.
Images must have been made within the last three years. All images must be 1000px at the longest length, saved at 72 dpi. The image must be titled: LAST NAME_first name_image#.jpg For example: MCLEOD_Hannah_3.jpg. You may submit between 10 and 30 images for the jury to deliberate for exhibition. Every image must have a title and a caption which can be included in the body of the email or in the file info section (preferable) of the photograph. The images should be placed in a zipped folder titled LASTNAME_First. For example: MCLEOD_Hannah
This year, a paragraph about your exhibited work must be included as well; this may include the process, the method, or a notion about the culture examined. This ought to also contain word of any digital manipulation; consideration of fine art photography to tell the story, or a journalistic approach with no manipulation.
You must also submit a self portrait.
Official web site: