
“New New Yorker” Photo Competition

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Judson Memorial Church invites all photographers to participate in a competition that captures the modern immigrant experience in the New York City area.

Subject matter should feature scenes relating to the everyday lives of individuals who have recently relocated to New York from another country. The competition is designed to create a greater awareness and appreciation of the experiences, challenges, and opportunities facing New York’s new residents.


  • $250 goes to grand prize winner,
  • three runner-up winners win $25 each.


Images can be submitted in either TIFF or JPEG format, prints any size (color or black/white), or duplicate transparencies (no originals).

Submit any digital or scanned original photograph(s). Minimum resolution 300 dpi, minimum size 4×6 inches. The subject line should read "New New Yorker." You may enter as often as you like. Also, mail-in entries are accepted (do not send original materials – entries will not be returned).

Official web page:

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