“Picture Our Train” 2009 Wall Calendar Photo Contest
Enter the Amtrak Picture Our Train 2009 Wall Calendar Photo Contest and your photograph could adorn the walls of train lovers everywhere.
Best original color photograph featuring an Amtrak train with the current Amtrak logo (as seen here) and livery visible. Photographs of trains displaying Amtrak Cascades, Amtrak California, Amtrak Pacific Surfliner and Acela Express livery are also eligible.
The First Prize Winner will receive a $1,000 Amtrak travel voucher and a photo credit on the calendar. The Second through Fifth Prize Winners will also receive Amtrak travel vouchers.
How to Enter
Mail an 8 x 10 color photograph suitable to be enlarged to approximately 25 inches (horizontally) to:
2009 Calendar Contest
60 Massachusetts Ave, N.E.
Suite 4E-315
Washington, DC 20002
Official web site.