The WHO European photo competition 2008
The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is holding a photograph competition to support the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Health Systems: “Health Systems, Health and Wealth”, which will take place in Tallinn, Estonia on 25-27 June 2008.
The Regional Office invites both professional and amateur photographers to participate.
Please send in photographs showing any aspect of health (e.g. doctors, nurses and patients; hospitals, medical centres/ polyclinics and hospital dispensaries; health education, research and training; social workers in action; medical assistance in emergencies; medical equipment and technologies; health promotion – people exercising, healthy food, health at home, etc.)
Prizes for the winners
- The winning photographs will be presented at the WHO European Ministerial Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, on 25-27 June 2008, through media releases and on the WHO Regional Office for Europe web site.
- Winners will receive a voucher for photographic equipment worth EURO 500 (first prize), EURO 250 (second prize), and EURO 100 (third prize), along with several awards of “special recognition”.
Techincal requirements:
Official web page: