
Funny Photos Contest

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If you like taking photos, you may want to submit your best photograph and enter the competition to win a $500 prize.  This may be your lucky day.  So grab your camera, whether it’s an old favorite stand-by, a new digital camera, or merely a throw-way camera, to begin shooting photos at every opportunity. And use your creativity to enter the Caption Contest and write a clever caption for the featured photo. For that you don’t even need a camera!Each month new contests begin every other week. One starts on the 2nd of the month and the other on the 17th.  Photos that are accepted by the Funny Photos Selection Committee will be displayed in a later contest, not the current one.

There are three contests.  The primary contest for “Funny Photos” will display funny or amusing photos.  The secondary contest for “Cute Photos” will display cute or unusual photos with  the Funny Photos Selection Committee determining the appropriate category for each submission.  The third contest gives viewers an opportunity to create a caption for the featured photo.

The winner of the “Funny Photos” $50 bi-weekly prize will be selected, by the Judges, from the FIVE photos receiving the most votes from website viewers.  Every few days, the results of the voting will be displayed on the “Who’s Winning” page.  At the end of each contest, the winning photo will appear on the “Winners” page.  Each September and March, the winners from the previous six months will be judged and the winner will receive a $500 bonus prize.

To submit click here.

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