
Wildbird Photo Competition 2016

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Wildbird Photo Competition 2016Categories:

  • Bird portrait
  • Bird in landscape
  • Artistic vision of bird
  • Duo
  • Mini- series
  • A special category reserved for young photographers aged 15 to 17 years (legal age to November 30, 2016 at midnight), with only theme the bird in its natural environment.


  • A Grand Prix to the overall winner awarded with a sum of €1,500
  • A 1st Prize in each category awarded with a sum of €800
  • A 1st Prize for the category «Young Photographers» rewarded by material endowments.

Pictures of domesticated, trained or captive wild animals or pets are prohibited. Each participant may submit a maximum of 10 photographs (the miniseries category counting as a single photograph). Photographers aged 15 to 17 years may submit up to 5 photos. No registration fees for this category.

Image requirements: JPEG format; 3:2 ratio; free of margin, frame or signature; exactly 3,500 pixels on its longest side (the shortest side should be of about 2,333 pixels). Except for the «Artistic vision» category, we will only accept images with limited alterations to the overall improvement (localized editing, tone adjustment, contrast, noise reduction, minor cleanups…). Maximum trimming allowed: 20%.


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