
Darkroom Gallery Call for Entries – Con[text]: Word & Image

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For Con[text] we examine the relationships between text and image.

Combining written word with images has a long history in art.  Medieval manuscripts in Christian Europe are interlaced with pictures that exist in a rhetorical relationship with the written text to create layered meaning and verbal or visual puns.  William Blake, eighteenth century British poet, published books of his writing with his own illustrations and quickly learned that the synthesis evoked meanings beyond the power of words or pictures alone.  Dadaists in early twentieth century Europe combined fragments of found text with appropriated photographic images to open alternative, sometimes irrational, paths of communication they felt were missing from art itself.


  • All selected entries are exhibited in the gallery [2 – 25 Jan 2015] and included in a full color exhibit catalog.
  • Juror’s Choice receives a 30×48" vinyl exhibit banner featuring their image, free entry into a future exhibition and a free exhibition catalog.
  • Honorable Mentions receive free exhibition catalogs and free entry in a future exhibition.
  • We offer free matting and framing of accepted entries for the duration of each of our exhibition, subject to standard sizes. Photographers set their own prices if they wish to sell their work and retain all rights to their photographs.

Juror: Tim Clark

Image requirements: no larger than 1280 pixels on the longest side, jpg format; saved at the highest quality; sRGB color space.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website or by email. There is a $5.00 surcharge for email entries.


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