
“Scenes from a Picture” Photography Contest

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This contest is aiming to bring to light and develop those photo projects (stage pictures, stage portraits, backstage pictures, etc.) marked by a personal approach to the notion of theatre itself, which every artist brings with himself/herself.

Open theme.


  • public display from 5th to 11th June 2014 at White Wall of the highly regarded Ashanti Gallery, in Via del Boschetto, 117 – 00184 Rome of a selection of photos of the winning project; the exact number of photos to be displayed, between 5 and 15, will be decided by the Gallery;
  • public display from 12th to 22nd of June of up to 15 selected photos of the winning project at the prestigious Quasar Design University Institute, via Nizza 152 – 00198 Rome;
  • free printing of up to 10 more photos of the winning project

The winner will be announced on May 25th 2013, at the end of the final evening of the IV edition of the INVENTARIA 2014 Theatre Festival.


  • Lorenzo Cascelli (editor of the Atelier section of the registered online newspaper Pensieri di Cartapesta);
  • Riccardo De Antonis (photographer, professor at the Quasar Design University Institute in Rome);
  • Laura Toro (contest manger and founding member of DoveComeQuando);
  • Lorenzo Torreggiani (director of Clic-hé – webmagazine di fotografia e realtà visuale).

Image requirements: Jpeg format, 72 dpi, min 800 pixels on shortest side

You can enter a project of minimum 5 and maximum 20 pictures by email.


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