
Latin American Documentary Contest of Photography

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Theme: “The works and the days”

The theme of the photographs should focus on human beings (regardless of age, sex, or race) carrying out some form of work or occupation. Additionally, pictures could show the human presence through objects or materials; buy the jury will decide on the appropriateness of these concepts. As we are predominantly interested in Latin American workers, we also invite artists to send their photographs that document the social and working conditions of Latin American immigrants in developed countries. As well as those people that migrates between countries in Latin America.

Categories and prizes:

  • Prize “Working Women” US 1.500
    The photographs must to document the work of the women in Latin America.
  • Prize “Working Children” US 1.500
    The photographs must to document the labor of boys, girls, or of young workers in Latin America.
  • Prize “Working Men” US 1.500
    The photographs must to document the labor of the men in Latin America.
  • Prize “Working Immigrants” US 1.500
    The photographs must to document the work and social situation of the Latin American immigrant in developed countries, as well as those people that migrate between Latin American countries.

The award ceremony and the exhibition opening will be held during the week before the celebration of May Day 2013, as part of the events commemorating International Workers’ Day organized by the Escuela Nacional Sindical (ENS).

Image requirements: JPG format; resolution of 72 DPI; the longest dimension of the image should be close to 800 pixels.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website. If several photographs make up a single work, the collection will be consider as one WORK if all photographs have the same name, are numbered and have the word "series" contained in the title (Series x 1, series x 2, etc.) A SERIES cannot contain more than five (5) photographs and will be considered in its totality as a sole WORK. Each contestant has the right to send up to three (3) WORKS, whether individual photographs or series for each category.

The rules in English can be downloaded here:


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