
Lapsus – Call for Entries

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Lapsus reflects on the ways in which works of art are created, especially in relation to new media, photography and video, which allow artists ever more technical and virtual perfection, at the risk of losing authenticity and uniqueness.

Theme: What role does a random accident, a ‘fortunate’ error, a bizarre involuntariness or the failure of an idea, have in the success of a work of art? In the age of Photoshop and digital technology, what value does an ‘error’ have, that unplanned mistake that escapes the consciousness of the artist as he creates his work, but enriches and decrees its success?

15 projects will be chosen by the selection panel which includes Martin Breindl, Elena Ceratti and Silvio Wolf.

  • Exhibition in the fsmgallery, Florence, Italy, (17 May to 15 June 2013)
  • Prizes:
    • First: € 1,000
    • Second: € 500
    • Third: € 500

Shortlisted artists will be announced by March 30, 2013

Each project can contain up to 10 photographs and/or videos (max 10 minutes), and must be accompanied by a statement.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website or by mail.


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